If you have an illness or have been injured (in an accident unrelated to your job), you may qualify to receive Social Security disability income benefits. There are, however, a number of specific reasons why your claim may be denied:
- You have too much earned income – You can receive income from other sources and still qualify for Social Security disability benefits, but there’s a cap on how much other income you can earn. In 2016, the ceiling for earned income is $1,130 per month. This does not include income from investments – only work related income counts.
- Your disability is only temporary – You won’t qualify for Social Security disability or SSI benefits unless you can show that your condition will keep you from working for at least 12 months or will cause your death.
- You can’t be found by the Social Security Administration – Before you can receive benefits, the Social Security Administration must be in contact with you to approve your application. If you don’t have a good address or phone number with the SSA, or don’t have an attorney who can be contacted on your behalf, your claim can be denied.
- You don’t follow doctor’s orders – If, as a part of your claim, you are prescribed certain medications or treatments, you must comply or risk the denial or termination of your claim. There are limited exceptions to this rule, but you need to communicate any difficulties to the Social Security Administration.
- You fail to cooperate with the Social Security Administration – As a part of the application process, you may be required to submit to a physical examination by a doctor chosen by the Social Security Administration. If you fail to do so, your claim may be denied.
Contact Us
To arrange a private meeting, contact us by e-mail or call our office at 908-200-2297. Evening and weekend meetings are available upon request. We take all major credit cards.
We handle all Social Security disability cases on a contingency basis. There will be no attorney fees unless we get compensation for your losses.